Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Florida Vacation Pictures

We had a great week in Destin with the Vandalls! Cousin Jennifer is my best friend in the whole world so it was so great to be with her and catch up. The kids played and swam and wore themselves out everyday. We had some crazy weather a few days (it was warmer in Colorado and Minnesota than it was in Florida!) and high winds, but it was still beautiful. The first few minutes of Erin being in the ocean, she was hit by some waves and knocked down so we had a hard time getting her back in it. Mady was in awe of and ate lots of sand. They both loved to be in the pool though (Erin had to wear the yellow headband to keep water out of her ears in case you were wondering- it was a funny sight!) The men got some great seafood, we shopped and had treats at Destin Commons and Baytown Wharf, we each had a fun date night, tried to catch crabs and hunted for seashells, and we stayed up late at night talking and laughing. The day we came home Erin told me she missed the beach and wished that Gracie and Ethan were here (even though they fought everyday over who was going to push the elevator button)! Overall it was a great trip and we made lots of memories! Love you Jesser, Z, Gracie, and Ethan!

1 comment:

The Vandall Fam said...

I miss you so bad!!! Can you believe we've already been home almost a week!! Last night Ethan told me he was "homesick for Florida."ha
Love you!