Sunday, May 31, 2009

Erin's first pet Bruester

We decided to get Erin a kitten. She absolutely loves animals and we thought an outside cat would be the easiest thing to take care of at the moment. It was kind of a spontaneous decision after we had a fun time taking her to the movies to see "Up" (which was very cute and hilarious by the way). We stopped by the pet store and they had about 15 kittens- she picked out the one she wanted right away and never changed her mind. As soon as we got home she started calling her "Booster." I asked her where she heard that from and she said "booster seat!" What the heck?! So, her mind was set and we decided on "Bruester." She is only 6 weeks old so we are going to try to leave her in the house until she's a little bigger. I've already cleaned poop off the couch and floor and have had spilled cat food and water mixed with piles of kitty litter all over the bathroom floor a few times- yae! Just what I need with 2 little kids! Erin loves her though and as you can see from the pictures, has been keeping it busy. Bruester doesn't seem to mind much and continues to rub on Erin and purr away!
Mady has crawled her heart out trying to catch the kitty! Last night she was booking it across the floor back and forth trying to grab it and once she did she tried to put her head in her mouth! She is amazed watching it!

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