Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mady's 9 month check up

Mady had her 9 month check up today and is perfect. She only cried for a second after her shot. She weighs 19½ lbs. (I thought she'd more than that by the looks of her!) and is 29½ in. tall. She is a little chubby thing and loves to eat! She now cries when anyone eats in front of her so we always try to have snacks around. She only has 2 bottom teeth so we have a lot of bananas and baby food still. Mommy is trying to wean so we are mostly on bottles now too even though she's usually only interested in them when she's trying to go to sleep or when she wakes up in the morning. This girl can find anything and everything on the floors and will eat it all! We have had her gag quite a few times because a little piece of paper or something will be stuck just right in her throat- it's a lot harder keeping your eyes on two! She has had many milestones in the last few months and now crawls and pulls up to everything and also cruises up and down the couches. She babbles and says "DaDa" and just started clapping her hands. She laughs and smiles at everything. She loves Erin (Erin is her little mommy) and is also a mommy's girl. If I'm trying to get something done, I can't let her hear my voice in the other room or she will start whining. It's funny because she is such a happy and content baby until she's tired or hungry and then she can really let it out! We try not to laugh but she's so dramatic. At night once she's ready for bed and I'm fixing a bottle, she will follow me around crawling and crying just waiting to be picked up- she loves mommy! I think she is the cutest thing ever- I thought no one could be cuter than Erin, but I may have been wrong...:)

1 comment:

mommy moorefield said...

I think Mady's looking more and more like Erin. I hope I get to see them this summer!