Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Mothers New Years Eve

Just a funny story that I felt like sharing as I realize I am a mom of two little girls and no longer get to (or feel like) go out and party as I bring in the New Year... I headed to bed at 10:00 after making sure both of the girls were fast asleep- put up my chex mix and turned off the travel channel (yes dreaming of a vacation). Andrew is in Atlanta with Pastor Michael for a few days going to a funeral so I was celebrating alone! At 11:30 the strong stench of vomit woke me up and I turned to see Erin beside my bed covered in her own. I spent the next hour cleaning her in the shower, taking apart her bed and washing all that and all her dollys she sleeps with, cleaning the carpet where she had made a trail to my room, getting her back to sleep, and then cleaning up my bed where she had left a mess with her hands (that I smelled after already getting back to bed). This all comes after a diarhhea accident in her jammies just a few hours before that that nearly made me vomit myself! So as I made my way back to the washing machine for the third time I glanced at the clock that had just turned 12:00 and heard the fireworks going off outside- then I laughed to myself thinking yes I am a mom, I got to ring in the New Year anyways, and yae to 2009! (oh and I also was up feeding Mady last night and started my day at 6:30- did I mention I am tired?) Did I mention Mady only poops every 5-6 days now, so you can imagine how much there is, and she had a blow up this morning all over herself (and I found some on her face) and the bouncy seat? I'm sick of throw up and poop!!!! Yes I'm venting!

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