Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mady's 4 month check up

I took both of the girls to the doctor today. Erin is finishing her 4th antibiotic for an ear infection she's been fighting since Oct. The doctor was excited to tell me it is all cleared up- which would be great if Erin hadn't of thrown up twice this morning. I swear someone here is always sick with something and I am on my 3rd cold in the last few months. I guess this is something you deal with when you have little ones that bring in germs! Anyways, Mady is great and getting chubbier everyday. She weighs a little over 14 lbs and is 24½ in long! The doctor told me to start her on solids and said I should see her sleeping more at night. She is finally sleeping better and we are over the colic but she still gets gassy at night a lot and it wakes her up. She is such a happy, smiley thing and ironically at the doctors she cried the whole time (which then turned into the bad I can't breathe cry after her 2 shots). I think she was tired but I also saw her look at the nurse and the doctor and stick out her bottom lip and start to cry and look for my voice- she has a little pout that you can't help but laugh at! I think she is going to be our sensitive one. She loves to be held, cries when something scares her, and cries whenever I talk too loud or it's too noisy when she is nursing. I just laugh because Erin was and is SO opposite of that! Poor Erin can barely knock her on the head and Mady will cry like her eye was poked out- I've learned to not freak out too bad when that happens.
So we tried some peaches with rice cereal today and here are the pictures. She hated it at first (she was tired and rubbing her eyes) and then wouldn't open her mouth and spit most of it out. Are you suppose to stuff a spoon in their mouth?

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