Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas pictures

We had a great time with a house full of family (10 people for 5 days to be exact)! We had more sweets than we could eat, a huge meal every night, and I was even able to get out of the house with the girls (without kids) for a day and do a little shopping and see a movie. As always, it went by very fast and I can't believe it's already over. The kids got spoiled and pretty much got every new toy there is right now. I guess Santa decided to come after all the phone calls mommy and daddy made to him when Erin wasn't being a good girl and wouldn't mind- he even ate her cookies and chocolate milk. All Erin asked for and talked about the last few months was that cupcake maker and she was so happy to see it under the tree (thanks Grandma Jenny- I mean Santa)! Let me tell you how good those cupcakes taste too- lol! So, it's now Sunday and Andrew is back in KY so we decided to stay home from church and have a quiet day to rest. We've already played with almost every new toy in 3 hours and now they are both asleep.
Thanks family for another wonderful Christmas- we missed you Whitney and all those we didn't get to see this year...

1 comment:

A Baby Peach said...

Those are adorable pictures! Mady is just too cute!

Why is Andrew in KY????????