Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I thought I would try to write a little on here since I'm not doing such a good job of updating everyone. I barely have time to check my own email most days. Erin still hasn't learned how to play by herself unless she's on the computer playing games (which she has gotten really good at and tells me how to do it) so I spend the majority of the day entertaining her, playing games (her new favorite is UNO), or watching her dress up and dance and tell me to call her princess and not Erin. Mady is a little rotten and loves to be held so we do all of this with her in my arms or in my lap. I have just started trying to get her on a regular nap schedule in her own crib and it's not going so well. She adores her swing and I realized that she was falling asleep and taking most of her naps in it. I guess I used that time to get things done and it never bothered me, but her still waking up 2-3 times a night is getting old so I started keeping track of her sleeping habits. Yes, she will sleep 2 hours in her swing but the last few days in her crib she won't sleep longer than 40 min. at a time. However, she is sleeping longer at night- only eats once and wakes once wanting her pacy- better. I don't know- you try to do everything right but it's hard getting them in a routine. I know she is so sleepy because she's not getting enough naps and she has been crying a lot more because of it, but what do you do? She can't sleep in her swing the rest of her life! We have also tried eating solids again (she hated the first few times) and she is doing much better. She opens her mouth and actually swallows but doesn't seem to like cereal too much. I give her peas and she eats a whole jar but the cereal gets spit out. Erin loves to help and watch. Mady has finally started making noises and cooing more and Erin just laughs at her and says "Mady loves me- she's laughing at me!" I can't wait until Mady can move around and really laugh because Erin just loves little kids. We went to the library the other day and there was a 1½ year old running around and getting into everything Erin was doing. She just loved it and kept telling me the little girl liked her. When the girl walked off she would announce to everyone "she's not playing with me." She is very vocal and sociable! She continues to love school (except for Russell who is mean) and is getting smarter everyday. She will name letters and say things out of nowhere and I'm just amazed at what she knows and understands.
Andrew continues to drive back and forth to Ky and is gone 4 days a week. I don't know how single parents do it! IT's been rough and we are hoping to have our house rented out soon so we can all move and be together. He is loving his job though and says he hasn't been this happy in a long time. So keep our house situation in your prayers!

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