Thursday, March 17, 2011

Catching up!

I have decided I am only going to be able to randomly post on this thing whenever I actually remember that I have a blog to keep up with! I love the idea of it and I know our far away family loves it too so I will continue to get on here, I'm just not promising it will be on a weekly (or it seems to be monthly) basis! We are trucking along and so excited for spring. The time change made me so happy and excited. I smelled cut grass and someone grilling the other day and my stomach literally flip flopped! I love summer! Me and Erin broke out the flip flops yesterday (I have actually worn them a few times already) and she was so happy to not be wearing socks.
We have found a new pastor for our sister church in Louisville, so after over a year of Andrew traveling back and forth on Thurs. and Sun., he is now going to be able to be home all week! We are both so happy. It has been tiring for him because it's been working a full time job and 3 nights a week. However, I told him me and the girls kind of had our routine on Sun afternoons and Thurs so it will take a little adjusting to let him be involved again :) He has preached a few more times and Pastor Michael is wanting him to start doing it more because of the great response. It's still crazy for me to think about where we are right now and where God may be using us in the future but Andrew has what it takes and people love him.
I am now only cleaning 2-3 days a week depending on the week and it's been a good thing. Either me or one of the kids have been sick with one thing or another the past month so I've had to rearrange my schedule a lot. I like that it's so flexible. We had a stomach bug and cough/sinus stuff going around and Mady has an ear infection right now. That's another reason I'm sick of this winter weather! Other than that, I'm just busy with church and kid stuff. Me and Andrew are teaching a "Time Starved Marriage" class on Wed. nights and it's been a new experience for me. Andrew is obviously the talker so he carries most of it, but we've had a good time and it's been great info for us as well.
Erin is doing great in school and reading so well. She is just so active that I have a hard time getting her to settle down and do homework or read books with me. She's a smarty pants though and always has some new fact to tell me. It's still hard for me to drop her off at the school door in the mornings and watch her little self struggle to get the heavy door open and then find her way through the halls :( She lost her first tooth last month and was so excited! I actually went to ger her out of childrens church one Sunday and all the kids yelled "Pastor Jenny helped get Erin's tooth out!" She had a little envelope with her tooth and said it didn't hurt at all. Her new tooth is already in and looks so big and out of place! She is starting spring soccer next week. She has been asking to play and when we kick around in the yard she does really good at kicking and keeping it close to her. She will probably be our sporty girl because she has an arm on her too!
Mady goes to daycare/school at church when I clean and has all kinds of little friends. They all know me as "Mady's mom" and scream at her when I come to pick her up. Her little buddy Gabe calls her "Mady Kake" and it's so cute. She talks to everyone and is such a happy girl. She told an eldery man at the YMCA the other day that he was "so cute." Ha! She has a much larger vocabulary than Erin did at her age and it's so funny to listen to her have conversations. Erin has a hard time realizing she can't rationalize like a 5 year old and they get each other going and arguing quite a bit. They love to play dress up together so when they get in those moments I never disturb them! Mady is our girly girl with her jewelry and dolls and is obsessed with anything Mickey Mouse. I guess it started with our Disneyland trip and has never ended. That is ALL she will watch on TV. Both my kids have a large personality and are a lot a like, so I don't think I missed out on the "one laid back child" thing. Oh well- it makes things more fun and interesting :)

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