Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our crazy Christmas

Erin was so excited for Christmas this year and I think I was more than usual as well. Mady loved being in the middle of everything but doesn't quite understand it all. She did however learn who Santa is and wanted nothing to do with him. She liked the idea of him until she came face to face with him on our North Pole Express train ride in Nashville. She was scared and talked about for days to come- "he scares me, I don't like him!" From then on, any mention of his name got her attention and made her look around the room. It was pretty funny actually! This year we bought and started our "Elf on the Shelf" where I hid the elf in a different location every night after he returned from talking to Santa at the North Pole. It was so great because Erin truly believed he watching and reporting her behavior back to Santa. She was sad to see him go Christmas Eve night. Aunt Korie and Uncle Ben finally finished their house just in time to be bombarded with family for Christmas (8 people to be exact and then 6 more during the day). We had tables of food and goodies and once again the kids were totally spoiled with gifts. God blessed us with a beautiful white Christmas so that made it even more special. We had a great week, but received horrible news late Christmas night that my dad had passed away of a massive heart attack very suddenly while with some friends. It was a bad night and a bad week to follow of cleaning out his home and traveling to Missouri for his funeral. Whitney and Steven were able to come to KY and go with us and Michael worked it out to come home for good from Australia. He came straight to the visitation without seeing anyone and my heart ached for him. I know it will be hardest on him and we ask for many prayers to come. Thankfully we were able to see Dad the Thurs before Christmas and exchange gifts. Friends later told me that he couldn't stop talking about that day and how happy he was to see his kids and grandbabies.

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