Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Owen Jackson Laskowski

I am an aunt (again)! Korie and Ben had their baby boy, Owen, July 18 at 5:50 am. He was 6.5 lbs and 20 in long and completely healthy and perfect. I am so proud of Korie. She was in labor for almost 2 days and literally pushed for 2 hours trying to get that little thing out! She did amazing and I had the honor of being a part of it all. God had it all planned-Whitney was already coming into town that day, GaGa (mom) was off work, Granny and Papa came the next day, and most of Ben's family was able to be here as well. Erin is so very excited to be around him but wishes he could do a little more! They forget that babies don't come out crawling and playing with toys. Mady just laughs at him and isn't quite sure what to think of everyone holding someone else. We are all so excited to have another boy in the family and already love him to pieces!

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