Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random pics and Daddy's Birthday

I just can't seem to get on here enough to keep this updated (and the fact that it takes half an hour here to upload 5 pictures). I have started working part time at the church daycare and Erin just started dance classes on Monday nights- so with all our church activities, work, school, and trying to cook and clean- ok you all know how it can be!!! Erin is in dance class Monday nights and in May they have a big recital (after watching one class I see that it will take until May to get a dance together!) Her little friend is Pastor Michaels girl Ella and they are best buddies- and a lot alike! They get their matching leotards next week :)
Andrew turned 34 last week and Erin picked out an oreo pie to make him. GaGa helped her light the candles and she carried it to him singing "Happy Birthday to you Daddy." He had already opened his presents a few weeks before because he found some Bachrach bags and had been asking for dress pants from there and was whining so we let him have all his clothes early. A few days later we decided to jump and go to Gatlinburg,TN and rent a cabin for three days- it was soooo nice and relaxing (pictures posted later).

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