Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mady turns 1!

Our baby is one years old :( It doesn't seem real. I can remember every detail of the night and days after she was born like it was a few months ago. Erins first months of life are a blur to me other than what we have video taped (which is a lot thankfully) but it seems with Mady I was able to enjoy the sleepless moments more because I knew what to expect and I also knew she was going to be my last baby. She will be walking soon and in some ways I'm glad because she is soooo heavy but in another way I know she will be so independent then- she already wants to be laid in bed without being rocked now :( She is a mommys girl much more than Erin ever was though. She is such a good happy baby with an awesome personality- she is a goof and makes the cutest faces. You can't help but love her!
We had Grandpa and Grandma Sewald here for a few days and on Sunday we celebrated Mady's birthday with cake and ice cream. I got some cute pictures in her birthday outfit (not many with smiles because of course she decided to not take a nap that day and after being at church all morning she was a little fussy) and with her hat on before she tore it off, and Erin was in the middle of it all. Erin has opened all Madys gifts and tried to help her play with them. I think her favorite thing was the musical card from Grandma Jenny because she knows how to open it and sings and claps! Mady dove right into the cake and had a good time making a huge mess. We have great pictures...

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