Saturday, July 4, 2009


It has been sooo hot here except for the last few days that have been unseasonably cool. My mom, Korie, and I took Erin to Venture River last week. It's a water park about 30 minutes from here and it was almost 100 degrees that day. We had a lot of fun and were even able to all ride together on a big float down one of the slides. Erin was sad to leave but we are planning on going to another amusement/water park next week. The girls have been playing in their little pools and the slip-n-slide and we joined the YMCA so we could go the pool and mommy can start working out. I have been taking classes 3 times a week and love it. It's my time away for an hour and it gets me in shape! Andrew has been busy at church getting things in order and keeping our Wednesday night classes going. Our church attendance has been growing and for the summer, we have had more people than last year which is great. God has given Andrew a lot of favor and everyone is so thankful he is there. I have finally started to sing again and that always makes me feel good to be doing what I'm suppose to with what God has given me. Erin is still loving school 3 days a week and we are looking into getting her into either dance or gymnastics. I can't decide which I think she would like more. She loves to dress up and dance and sing but she also is very active and would love to tumble around. Mady is into everything and all about her hands. She claps, waves, drops things for me to pick up, bounces to music, "talks" to get attention, and out eats her big sister! She eats anything we eat and lots of it! My mom- or GaGa as she is known- has been here for about 3 weeks now and has been a great help with the girls. I have finally taught Erin to not run downstairs and wake her up early every morning! Erin has loved her being here and they spend a lot of time outside taking care of our flowers and playing. Today is July 4th and the forecast is 70 percent chance of rain with chance of severe storms tonight- lets hope it holds out so Erin won't be upset!

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