Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mady's 6 month checkup

Our little thing is getting so big! She now weighs almost 17 lbs and is 27 in. long. She is going to be tall like her sister (Erin is almost a head taller than everyone in her class)! So, she's already wearing mostly 9 months in clothes. I love that she has rolls because Erin never did :) She had to get 2 shots and only cried for a second but later that night cried anytime we moved her legs- poor thing. I had to tell everyone at the pediatricians office we were moving and they were so sad and gave us big hugs. Erin has always been their little Goldilocks. Tomorrow is the official move date :( I am packing last minute things today. Andrew took a truck load of stuff to KY this morning and is bringing back 2 little uhaul trucks and some guys to help in the morning. Our house is a total disaster which stresses me. I'm ready to be settled and organized! Now we just need the weather to cooperate. This past weekend was beautiful and I had a last minute yard sale (yes, just what I need to be doing) and made $250. Yesterday was 80 degrees!!! Today it is rainy and cold and tomorrow they are saying it's going to be back in the 30s and rainy- of course. Oh well- gotta do what we have to do!

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