Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Great Day!

We have someone to rent our house!!! We had a friend at church tell us about this family (also from our church) that was looking to move to Spring Hill. I contacted her a few weeks ago and sent her some pictures, but they didn't seem to interested. Last week she called and wanted to come see the house Sat and she just called me today to let me know they loved the house and want to rent it starting in March! We were both so happy on the phone and kept saying how it's a total God thing in his timing that this all worked out. I knew it would take a miracle to get a renter in here within a few months- we know God is a miracle worker! Now we just have to find a place in Ky for us. It's in the works and we think we have a house...keep praying about that. And, Miss Mady laughed today- really laughed- for the first time! Of course it was at Erin- she just loves her big sister and lights up watching her. Erin was talking to her and she just kept screaming and laughing. It was so sweet to see!

1 comment:

A Baby Peach said...

I'm so happy for you guys obviously, but this makes me sad
:( Our kids won't have play dates... We need to do something before you leave!