Friday, May 27, 2011

Field Day at school

Erin has field day today at school and she had a blast. They had two competitions they could sign up for and Erin was in the Long Jump and Sack Race. She placed first place in both! I was a proud mommy and it gave me a glimpse into the future: She does so well in everything she tries and my heart swells when she achieves so much. She is such a big girl. We just found out last week that she, along with 8 other kindergartners from the school, will be in the first/second grade split class and will be learning second grade curriculum. She placed higher than anyone in her class in math and reading testing so I'm glad for this opportunity to challenge and excel her even more. Funny thing is watching her be so laid back, easy come easy go with everything. She has no idea what potential God has placed inside of her!

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