Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter time!

The weather has been horrible here for a week and they are calling for bad storms for 3 more days! Needless to say, with all the rain we had our churches annual huge Easter Egg Hunt at the city park cancelled for the second year in a row. I was ok with it since Erin also had a soccer game and team pictures planned for that day and we had to be back at church at 4. It's been such a busy week! We had a community dinner thing, soccer practice, play practice and church, Erin's school play and a wedding, dress reahearsal, and in the middle of all that we were trying to find time to celebrate our 10th anniversary! We did fit a dinner in before practice one night but maybe next weekend we can have an actual date :) Last weekend Erin and the kids did their production at church and danced and this weekend Erin danced a song in our production. We had a Sat. night service and two services this morning and I was singing so we are a little relieved it's over. It was a good day today though. Pastor Michael's service was "All Creation Sings" and it was a media filled great message. The girls came home and hunted eggs in the house and we had lunch at our house with the family followed by naps. A great day...

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