Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our crazy life

We are leaving Friday to go to Michigan for Andrew's Grandma's 90th Birthday and we will be seeing family I have never met and family Andrew hasn't talked to in years. It's an 8 hour drive so I'm dreading that and trying to figure out ways to knock my kids out :) Hopefully it will be a nice get away. The girls get to to see their cousins so I'm anxious to watch them interact.
Our lives haven't slowed down much. The house that we are currently renting has sold and we are moving out to another rental in June. It was suppose to be May, then we had a crazy offer to rent a house as an investment for someone else which ended up being too much money in the long run and now we are back to square one where we started. Luckily we already registered Erin for the kindergarten in the original school district so nothing needs changed. Andrew continues to be a main part of our church plant in Louisville, KY and travels there twice a week. It's going good and will eventually pay off for us in many ways, but it has been taxing. Our church here is going well and Andrew is always in the middle of it all! I have started cleaning houses and enjoy it much more than daycare! I only work 3 days a week and am off between 12-2 depending on the day and make A LOT more money! It's definitely more physical work, but quicker money which means more time at home.
As I said, Erin will be starting school in August and I can't even imagine it. She is so very ready and will do wonderful. She whizzed right through her testing at registration! I cried the second we walked through the doors and looked at the big school but she was so excited and walked right off with a teacher. She has more energy than I can describe and goes from one thing to the next. She has been a great big sister and always has Mady on her mind if she's not with us. Miss
Independent. Her first dance recital is in a few weeks and just wait until you see her fancy costume! I can't wait to see how it all turns out on stage!
Mady is turning out to be feisty like her sister and I wonder what happened to my second child being laid back and calm?! They are a lot alike already. They both have this ear piercing scream that they use back and forth while fighting and playing and Mady can throw a tantrum when she wants to. She is a very happy girl though and laughs a lot. She talks a lot now and I hear new words everyday- today I said "1" and she said "2" and ended up counting to 10 for me! She loves her "sissy" and she's also a Daddy's girl. She runs and screams for "DaDa."
I love this crazy life!

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