Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm back finally- and it's a long one!

So I'm realizing I may not be too good at this blog thing. I love the idea of it and will continue to update it, but I'm not on here regularly enough. Maybe it's because even though I pay $56 a month for my satellite internet that we could only get in "the country" (5 minutes from town) it still takes 5 minutes to upload one picture- or because I am addicted to too many TV shows right now and can't wait for my kids to be in bed by 8 so I can sit down and relax and catch up with DVR... I get on here and see that my sister in law Katy has posted 8 posts since my last one and she has 3 kids and a large social calender it seems and I am a little ashamed- how do you do it Katy?! So here I am on our 4th (I think but I can't keep up anymore) snowstorm and bunkered in trying to post a new post- it will be a long one. I haven't seen this much snow since I don't know when! It was fun the first few times but frankly I hate the weather man now. Schools have been closed atleast 1-3 days every week for weeks and everything else shuts down as well. The YMCA cancels childcare and aerobic classes (and Erins dance classes), the girls preschool shuts down atleast one day (which is my paycheck as well), church and choir practice was cancelled last Wed, etc. Oh well, atleast we get to stay in our jammies and play all day!
Mady is developing into quite the character and is so funny. I have enjoyed so much watching the girls lately and seeing how much they love each other. Especially Mady- she lights up around Erin and wants to be involved in everything she does. She gets so upset and will cry tears if me and Erin try to play a game or do something without her at the table. She wants to be on my lap in the middle of it all. It's been hard for me because I'm so use to being able to give Erin so much one on one attention and now our time gets cut short. The Wii we got for Christmas has been a hug lifesaver. Erin LOVES it and it's something that we can all do together. Mady has started throwing little tantrums and although it's not right, I can't help but laugh because she is otherwise so very good. She loves to take things of Erin and run off- once Erin realizes it and grabs it back then the meltdown begins and she lays flat on the floor. She is very vocal now and pretty much repeats everything I say. I hear many new words everyday and we were so happy to hear her finally say "Sissy" a few weeks ago. She also follows directions very well- all I have to say is "get in your chair" or "go to your room" or "nap time" and she goes right there. She is such a sweet baby girl.
Erin still goes to school 3 days a week and is so great. She is actually starting to sound out words and knows all the letter sounds. By August she will be so ready for kindergarten that I hope she isn't bored! She is the life of the party and never slows down. The only problem she has with school is that she has to "take too long of a nap." I've given up on naps at home because it became a huge fight and I've noticed that she goes to bed a lot easier and earlier without one. Her mind is always rolling and I'm surprised everyday at some of the things she asks or comes up with. She's getting interested and is asking a lot of questions about God and heaven. They take everything so literally like "I wish God would get out of my heart and come see me" or "I don't want to live in the clouds in heaven" that you just laugh and explain the best you can! She still take dance and does great at it. I can't wait to see their recital in May. Their little costumes are big tutus and puffy sleeves- so cute.
Andrew is super busy at church and I've realized being in the ministry may be the most stressful and time consuming job ever. It's not the easy going job I was imagining! Everything flows through Andrew and it's a lot on his shoulders. Everyone loves him though and continues to tell us that the church has done a huge turnaround since he's been there. I can't believe we've been moved almost a year! Other than turning 29 last week and feeling old, I'm working at the daycare a few days a week and starting to clean a few houses this week as well. Other than that I'm doing the usual trying to workout, running us around, keeping groceries stocked and cooking dinner, and doing things at church atleast a few times a week. I bought Andrew a weekend in Nashville for Christmas and we're finally getting to go this weekend so we are really looking forward to it! (p.s. the pictures of Mady in the hospital were last month when she had to have tubes put in her ears and her adenoids removed. It was a long, sad day for mommy and daddy but she is a lot better and her never ending runny nose and slobbering have lessened a huge amount!)

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