Sunday, December 6, 2009


We had another great Thanksgiving in Missouri and ate a lot of wonderful food (Granny you are the best cook in the world)! I think I had 4 different desserts on Thanksgiving day a long with everything else! It was a nice relaxing 4½ days and as always I love to be with my family. The girls did pretty good in the car but were ready to be home Sunday night.
Our preschool and daycare at church had a Thanksgiving lunch and little program so we were able to eat with the girls that day. Erin's class wore pilgrim bonnets and Mady had Indian feathers (which lasted maybe two minutes).
Mady has finally started walking more and does for the most part but we still catch her crawling some. I can't believe it took her this long since her first steps were Oct 5th! She gets carried around too much I guess :)


mommy moorefield said...

That's funny that Mady just started walking. It must be a Harris thing. I wasn't sure if Maya was ever going to walk. The girls are getting so big!

Cubby said...

I have never seen the picture of Kemper and Mady...too cute!