Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm not too good at this...

I know- it takes me forever to get on here and give updates. Between the two girls, keeping this house clean, cooking, and keeping up with laundry (oh and keeping up with The Bachelor, Greys Anatomy, and now American Idol- which is on twice a week- and STILL trying to get through the Twilight books) I am usually running to the computer to check my email in a 3 minute time frame. Erin won't let me leave her sight for too long and Mady won't play long eiether without wanting to be held and played with. Mady is such a happy baby. She has the biggest grin and smiles at everything. The nursery workers were so surprised the other day at how much she smiled and it always amazes everyone at the stores to see her respond to them so quickly- then they want to talk to her for a few minutes. Most people usually stop to first comment on her hair! She has slept a lot better this week and I'm hoping it's the beginning of forever! She usually goes down around 7, but wakes up a few times before I'm in bed by 10. After that she can be up anywhere from 2-5am and has just started going back to sleep on her own after a little crying in the middle of the night. She then plays, cries, goes back to sleep until 7:30 or so. I'm fine with once a night, but up to now it has been 3-4 times and i'm so over it! Erin is up at 7 on the dot every morning. A while ago (when she was getting up at 5:30-6am) we bought her a little Cinderella clock and told her to stay in her room until 7- she now thinks that is the official wake up time for everyone. Mady is a lousy napper most days though- her max time is usually 30-45 min and she will have 4 naps. She continues to breastfeed like a pro and now eats 2 food meals a day. I usually can't shovel it in fast enough! She LOVES Erin and will only laugh at her. I have tried everything- Erin will come in and say one thing and she will light up and squeel. I love to watch them together. I am still waiting for Mady to start rolling over- she is very closs but may be a little to chubby yet! I know Erin was rolling by now, so hopefully it will be soon. I just love that cute little thing too much! Erin is our hand full. She never ever gets worn down. I always know when she is sick or feeling bad when she actually sits on the couch for more than one minute. She is always on the go- dancing, singing, jumping, changing activities- it's funny because she only has to go to the bathroom when she sits down to eat or gets in bed and I've realized it's because it's the only time she actually calms down and sits still! She loves to be the center of attention and loves people. I think she will be just fine with the move- she is anxious and asking questions and can't wait for her new school and new church! We are starting to notice her getting more bossy and saying things that we say like "whatever" "how many times do I have to tell you"- she will tell us "you don't say that to little kids." I don't know where she comes up with most things she talks about and she never forgets anything. Sometimes it's hard not to laugh. She is smart! For lunch today she said something about "manicotti" - I may have made that once in my life and have no clue where she got that from! She likes to say her own prayers at meals and bedtime now and it takes all I have to not laugh- she always starts with "dear Jesus, thank you for the day..." and will continue to thank him for every family member. Precious. Other than her stubborness that leads to tantrums (usually at bedtime because she tries to prolong it), she is a great little girl. Our moving date is set for March 14. I have spent this week calling electric, cable, insurance, etc. companies- uuggh! We found a house finally about a week ago and because of it, I am a little more excited to move. It's out of town and pretty private with a great yard for the girls. It's 3200 sq ft (our house now is 1800 so this will be awesome), has 4 bedrooms and a den, and is already painted a lot like we would paint. I will have to paint the girls' rooms, but atleast it's workable. The only downfall I have found it that because of the area, for some reason we aren't able to get any type of fastspeed/dsl internet and have to resort to dial up and get a phone line- yuck! I'm pretty down about that since Erin loves her games on Noggin and PBS, but oh well. So, we have only a few weeks to pack and I haven't even started! Andrew assures me he can get it done very quickly and will help on his days home so I'm trusting in that. Our garage is loaded with boxes from my old work and from people at church bringing them so we have a good start. I'm dreading it! I will really miss this town and all the things it offers for the kids- I love our church family too. But, I'm hoping I'll look back and be incredibly happy with all that God does in our lives in KY. Andrew loves his job and is just ready for us to be there with him. It has been a rough 3 months being apart and all the driving. He is already loved and popular with everyone at church- this is right up his alley! Better go- Mady is up and Erin is going down for a nap!

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