Thursday, November 13, 2008

What a week!

Mady is taking a nap and Erin just woke up from hers and is watching "Max and Ruby" because she wakes up a little grouchy from naps at times. She has been sick too. It has been crazy since last Friday. Andrew was out of the picture from Friday to Monday and laying in bed upstairs (for all of those who know why) and Erin started getting a cold and ran a fever from Sat to Mon. Andrew took her to the doctor Tues and she had an ear infection in both ears. Now mommy has a cold too and I feel like I'm destined to have one the rest of our childrens young years. I just got over this mess a week ago and now have one again! Mady has been very cranky and has a lot of bellyaches. My doctor decided she has colic-yae! Up until last week, she pretty much cried anytime she was awake and has gas horrible at night. I would lay on the floor with her until 11-1am rubbing her belly and pushing her legs in and out. She actually has been a lot better lately and is in a great mood, smiling constantly when she is awake. She still has a little pain, but it's better. The doctor also heard a heart murmur at her last appointment so we had to get that checked out. So, Monday I took Mady downtown for a heart ultrasound (her heart is perfect and the murmur will probably be something she outgrows) and Tues I had to go to Vanderbilt to see a GI doctor, have a stomach ultrasound, and have more blood work done (Oh yeah, she has had to have 2 sets of blood work drawn because she had jaundice for so long and we needed to check her liver functions). Everything came back totally fine- we just put her on small doses of Zantac to help with the gas and stuff and she will most likely outgrow this as well. We have been to the doctors office 7 times in the last month not counting the trips to have tests done! I am tired this week, sick of us being sick, sick of paying $30 copays, and sick of doctors! I'm glad we had everything checked out, but now looking back most of it wasn't necessary. Erin is still coughing and has a horrible runny nose and had to miss school this week and I can't breathe. Daddy is better though! Anyways, Mady is very alert and happy and it just cracks me up to see her goofy smile. She smiles for no reason at all and loves to watch people and fans on the ceiling. She also loves to be held and cuddled. I am trying to start a bedtime routine so I can go to bed at a decent time, but I think she may be a little too young. I try to turn off the lights and swaddle and feed her around 9-9:30 so she will be asleep by 10 atleast. She is a night owl and loves to nap all day. She loves her pacifier and I put that dumb thing in her mouth 1000 times before she falls asleep! Erin has been up by 6am everyday since the time change and use to sleep until 7:30. She also comes into my room and tells me either about a weird dream she had or that she has to pee almost every night now. She always sees weird animals (shadows and stuff) in her room! Mady still gets up twice a night too...oh I dream of sleep again:) Erin is paying more attention to Mady now though and loves to give her kisses and just touch her. I can't wait until she is bigger and can play. erin gets so frustrated though when Mady won't take her pacy when she is crying and I can hear her in the other room trying to console her! Nice- I just found the rest of the spit up that went in my face as soon as I lifted Mady over my head earlier- it's in my hair.

1 comment:

Martina said...

Gosh i remember maggie having that same problem!!!! Its like all the sudden at 3-4months it just stopped. I swear its cuz their stomach/intestines are just not developed....I switched her formula so many times until finally good start helped relieve it. Those drops didnt help much either. It was always the worst starting at like 5pm....and on.